What, When, and How Should I Tell HMRC About My Relationship Status?

Telling HMRC about your relationship

Keeping HMRC updated about changes in your relationship status is essential to ensure your tax records are accurate and that you receive the correct benefits and allowances. This guide will help you understand what changes you need to report when to do so, and how to go about it.

What Changes Should I Report to HMRC?

  1. Marriage or Civil Partnership:
    • Why: Your marriage or civil partnership can affect your tax codes, eligibility for marriage allowance, and potential joint claims for certain benefits.
    • How: You can report your new status via the HMRC website or by calling them directly.
  2. Divorce or Separation:
    • Why: Separation or divorce impacts your tax status and any benefits or credits you might be receiving jointly.
    • How: Inform HMRC through their online services or contact them by phone.
  3. Death of a Partner:
    • Why: This affects your tax situation and any joint benefits or credits.
    • How: Notify HMRC as soon as possible using their online form or by phone.
  4. New Relationship Affecting Tax Credits:
    • Why: Starting a new relationship can impact your eligibility for certain tax credits, especially if you start living together.
    • How: Update your details through the tax credits service.

When Should I Inform HMRC?

You should inform HMRC of any changes to your relationship status as soon as possible. Prompt notification ensures your tax records and benefits are accurate and helps avoid any potential issues or overpayments.

  • Marriage or Civil Partnership: Ideally, notify HMRC as soon as you are married or enter a civil partnership.
  • Separation or Divorce: As soon as the separation or divorce is finalized.
  • Death of a Partner: Immediately after the death of your partner.
  • New Relationship: When you start living with a new partner or your relationship status changes in a way that affects your tax credits.

How to Inform HMRC About Changes

  1. Online:
    • Visit the HMRC website and use the online services to update your details.
  2. Phone:
    • Call HMRC directly. For general inquiries and updates, you can use the contact numbers provided on their official website.
  3. Mail:
    • You can also write to HMRC, though this method may take longer to process.

How to Stop Marriage Tax Allowance

If you have been claiming the marriage tax allowance but your circumstances have changed (e.g., divorce or separation), you need to stop the allowance.

  • Online: Log in to your personal tax account and update your details to stop the allowance.
  • Phone: Call HMRC and inform them of your change in circumstances.

Do I need to tell HMRC if I am getting married?

Yes, you need to inform HMRC if you get married. Marriage can change your tax code and may make you eligible for the marriage tax allowance, which allows one partner to transfer some of their personal allowance to the other, potentially reducing the overall tax bill.

Other Relevant Changes

  • Child Tax Benefits: Changes in your relationship status, such as getting married or starting a new relationship, can affect your eligibility for child tax benefits. Ensure you update your details with the Child Tax Credits office.
  • Address Changes: If your relationship change involves moving to a new address, update your address with HMRC to ensure you receive all correspondence.


Keeping HMRC informed about your relationship status is crucial for accurate tax records and benefit calculations. Whether you’re getting married, separated, starting a new relationship, or experiencing the loss of a partner, timely updates to HMRC will help you stay compliant and avoid any potential issues. Use the online services for quick updates, or contact HMRC directly if you have any questions or need assistance.

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